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Exclusive Special Offers for Our Community

At Hubbs Heating, we believe in giving back to our community. That’s why we offer exclusive special offers and discounts to our neighbors in Columbus, Lancaster, Dayton, Cincinnati, and surrounding areas. Take advantage of our current promotions and save on your heating services and products.

Current Specials:

  • Seasonal Discounts: Save on furnace installations and boiler repairs during the winter season.
  • Energy-Efficient Upgrades: Get discounts on energy-efficient heating systems to reduce your energy bills.
  • Referral Program: Refer a friend and receive a special discount on your next service.

Check back regularly for new offers and promotions. As a hometown business, we are committed to providing affordable and reliable heating solutions for our community.

Take advantage of our special offers on heating services and products. Check out our current promotions for great deals on heating system installations.

Current Specials


Furnace Tune-Up

Performance Promise with Hubbs Heating & Air Furnace Tune-Up

If your system fails within 6 months:
Return for free diagnosis
Provide priority scheduling
Original tune up charge will be applied towards repair
NO service call fees. NO dispatch fees.
Getting your system up to peak performance
Easy online scheduling available


Diagnostic Service Call

Diagnose the issue with your furnace system
Provide you with affordable solutions
Diagnostic charges are waived when you do the repair!
Online Scheduling Available
NO additional service call or trip fees.


New Furnace Install

New Furnace Install for as low as $100/month

Determine your new furnace installation needs
Get a personalized affordable solutions for your heating needs
Many financing options available
Scheduling a FREE estimate online!
Free year of preventative maintenance with all new equipment installs


New Heat Pump Install

New Heat Pump Install for as low as $100/month

Provide a home site visit to determine your new heat pump installation needs
Present affordable solutions
Financing options available!
Schedule a FREE estimate online!
Free year of preventative maintenance with all new equipment installs


Air Duct Cleaning

$699 Air Duct Cleaning with Free Dryer Vent Clean

Flat rate. No counting returns or supplies
Reduces debris, dust, bacteria & allergens
Inspect the air duct design in your home
Present you with before and after pictures
Free dryer vent cleaning with air duct cleaning

Call for Conditions & Restrictions / Mention Coupon at Time of Scheduling

View Our Special Offers Below


Furnace Tune-Up

Service must be booked online or coupon mentioned when calling to schedule
Can not be combined with any offer.


Diagnostic Service Call

Service must be booked online or coupon mentioned when calling to schedule
Can not be combined with any offer.


Home Buyers Certified HVAC Inspection & Report

Service must be booked online or coupon mentioned when calling to schedule
Can not be combined with any offer.



ecobee 3 lite

Service must be booked online or coupon mentioned when calling to schedule
Can not be combined with any offer.


AC Tune Up

Service must be booked online or coupon mentioned when calling to schedule
Can not be combined with any offer.

Request a Free In-Home Estimate Today