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High-Quality Heating Products for Your Home and Business

At Hubbs Heating, we offer a wide range of top-notch heating products designed to keep your home and business comfortable all year round. Our products are energy-efficient, reliable, and tailored to meet the unique needs of our local community. Whether you need a new furnace, boiler, or heat pump, we have the perfect solution for you. Our heating solutions include the latest in HVAC technology for optimal performance.

Our Products Include:

  • Furnaces: Efficient and powerful furnaces to keep your home warm during the coldest months.
  • Boilers: Reliable boilers for consistent and even heating.
  • Heat Pumps: Versatile heat pumps for both heating and cooling needs.
  • Ductless Heating Systems: Flexible and efficient heating solutions for any space.
  • Thermostats: Advanced thermostats for precise temperature control and energy savings.

Explore our range of heating products and find the perfect fit for your needs. As a local business, we understand the importance of providing high-quality products that our neighbors can rely on.”

Gas Furnaces

We offer a great selection of gas furnaces that range in price and function. Many of our units are energy-efficient, silent, and covered under warranty. Our experienced technicians will work with you to identify your heating needs and match you with a perfect unit.
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Heat Pumps

Hubbs Heating & Air offers a large selection of heat pumps that can help you save money on your energy bills. A Bryant® heat pump can efficiently heat and cool your home for year-round comfort. Give Hubbs a call today, and we can help find your perfect match!
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Air Conditioners

We carry a variety of air conditioners that are sure to meet your cooling needs. Many of our units are energy-efficient, easy to install and simple to control. Give us a call today and we can help walk you through the selection and installation process!
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Indoor Air Quality

If you suffer from allergies, you understand the importance of keeping the air inside your home as clean as possible. Without routine maintenance, allergens such as dander, pollen, dust, mildew and mold can quickly accumulate and circulate. Reduce allergens in your home today!
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Comfort Controls

When investing in a new air conditioner or furnace, you want to take proper care of it to lengthen the life of your investment. Whether you’re looking for Wi-Fi enabled controls or digital thermostats, we only carry the best selection of Honeywell thermostats in a wide variety of designs.
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Request More Product Information

Discover our range of high-quality heating products. Interested in learning more about the many high-quality heating and cooling products available from our Lancaster business? Contact Hubbs Heating & Air today to request more information and/or a free in-home estimate. We select products renowned for their efficiency and durability!

Request a Free In-Home Estimate Today