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Your Neighborhood
Heating Experts

Providing Reliable Residential & Commercial Heating Solutions in Columbus, Lancaster, Dayton, Cincinnati, and surrounding areas.

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An Award
Winning Company

You Can Trust

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Hubbs family photo

About Us

At Hubbs Heating, we live where we work. As a locally owned and operated business, we understand the unique heating needs of our community. Our team is dedicated to providing top-notch service and ensuring your home or business stays comfortable year-round.

Premiere Choice for Residential & Commercial Heating & Cooling in Central Ohio

Serving Columbus, Lancaster, Dayton, Cincinnati and surrounding areas.  We know finding a speedy, reliable, ethical heating and air conditioning service and repair company can be a challenge these days. Hubbs Heating & Air firmly believes in never selling a customer something they don’t need and fixing it right the first time.

We always want our customers to feel like they’re not only receiving great service on their equipment but that they’re receiving great customer service from our office to our field technicians, which is what has kept our customers coming back year after year. The difference between us and the larger companies out there is we’re a family-owned company and consumers ourselves, so we handle every customer like they’re our only customer. Which is why our motto is not only “Where You Find Comfort and Peace of Mind” but also “Where Customers Come First.”

24/7 Emergency Heating & Cooling Service

For your peace of mind, Hubbs Heating & Air is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for emergency heating or air conditioning service. Please contact us today to request a free in-home estimate and discover why we enjoy an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and have been awarded Angie’s List’s “Super Service Award” in 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018.

24/7 Emergency Heating & Cooling Service

For your peace of mind, Hubbs Heating & Air is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for emergency heating or air conditioning service. Please contact us today to request a free in-home estimate and discover why we enjoy an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and have been awarded Angie’s List’s “Super Service Award” in 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018.

Expert Diagnosis

We’ll review common air conditioning and heating repair issues with you before we start charging you.

Reasonable Rates

We have very reasonable rates for both our residential and commercial HVAC service customers.

Customers Love Us

We’ve built our business providing such amazing service that our word-of-mouth referrals have effectively grown our business.

Efficient Service

You don’t have to wait all day. We’ll work with you to get your problems resolved as quickly as possible.

What Our Customers Say

Hubbs Heating & Air

545 E. Main Street
Lancaster, OH 43130


Hubbs Heating & Air LLC, 545 East Main Street, Lancaster, OH 43130, USA

Hubbs Group team photo

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